Cod. 510328 - 6 CFU

Lessons: 48 hours

Microbial world: structure, and functions of prokaryotic cells. Microbial metabolism and biosynthesis. Microbial growth (dynamics), environmental effects on growth and cultivation. Antibiotics and microbial growth. Essential virology: the nature of viruses and overview of the viral replication cycle. Genome plasticity. Regulation of gene expression. Gene transfer. Mechanism of microbial evolution. Microbial phylogeny and classification systems. Metabolic and ecological diversity of bacteria. Archaea: overview of the principal groups.

Madigan, Bender, Buckley, Sattley, Stahl. Brock Biology of Microrganisms. XVI edition. Pearson, 2022.

Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman and Dorothy Wood. 2023. Prescott's Microbiology, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill.