The main goal of this course is to provide a gentle introduction to applied data analysis methods. Starting from basic intuitions, we will learn about the reasoning behind traditional statistical tests (such as t-tests and anovas), gradually building up towards more cutting-edge approaches (such as mixed modelling). The course will also be hands on: in addition to the theory behind the different analyses, and when to apply them, we will learn how to actually run the analyses ourselves, using R: a very popular, powerful (and free!) statistical analysis software. We will focus on how to efficiently manipulate data, and how to "see" the data with high-quality graphs, before conducting analyses of interest, and interpreting/reporting the results. So please bring your laptop to class, and try to install R and RStudio beforehand (available here). Ultimately, the course aims to provide theoretical and applied knowledge useful for any career path involving data, particularly in psychology and human sciences.