Structure of the Body is a first-year course designed to provide students with a fundamental working knowledge of normal human gross and systemic anatomy, with the integration of cytology, embryology, and histology, as a basis for the practice of medicine. 20CFU divided as follows: 11CFU Anatomy; 2CFU Laboratory of Topographic anatomy; 2CFU Topographic Anatomy; 2CFU Cytology; 1CFU Embryology; 1CFU Histology, and 1CFU Laboratory of Histology. Structural survey of human body, including skeletomuscular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems. Laboratory sessions include visualization of human bones, models and microscopic structures through the help of tutors and specific online platforms.
Prof. Gabriele Ceccarelli
Prof. Mikaela Stiver
Prof. Siobhan Moyes