The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic theories and methods of urban water systems, that is water supply and sewer systems. The course will be made up of three parts. The first will provide the students with the main notions related to the design and analysis of water distribution systems. The second will be dedicated to the design and analysis of sewer systems. In the third part, the risk and vulnerability in Urban Water Systems will be dealt with.
Demand-driven and pressure-driven modelling of water distribution networks
Optimal design of water distribution networks with no reliability constraints
Multi-objective design of water distribution networks
Optimal management of water distribution networks (mechanical and hydraulic failures, segment identification, service-pressure and leakage management, real time control, district metered areas)
Modelling of water quality, water distribution network protection from contaminations
The software EPANET
Modelling of urban drainage systems
The control of water volumes and of water quality in urban drainage systems
Best management practices for the optimal management of urban drainage systems (detention and retention systems, infiltration systems, vegetated systems, real time control)
The software EPASWMM
Basic knowledge of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Infrastructures
- Butler, and J. Davies (2011). Urban Drainage. Spon Press, 625 pp.
- W. Mays (2011). Water Resources Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 890 pp.
- T.M. Walski, D. Chase, D. Savic, W. Grayman, S. Beckwith, and E. Koelle (2003). Advanced water distribution modelling and management. Haestad, Waterbury, CT, 702 pp.
- Material of the module available for download at http://www-4.unipv.it/ecreaco/Hydraulic%20Infrastructures.html
Assignments will be handed over and graded during the course. The final examination will consist in the assessment of the assignments and in an oral test during which the student is supposed to defend his/her assignment.