The course analyzes the developmental pathways of socio-emotional competencies throughout the life cycle from the attachment perspective. Great emphasis is placed on the formation and the transmission of attachment relationships across generations and different developmental stages (i.e., childhood, adolescence and adulthood). The monographic course focuses on parenting and child socio-emotional adjustment in same-sex parent families (i.e., adoptive gay and lesbian parent families, gay father families formed through surrogacy, lesbian mother families formed through donor conception).

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

▪ know the main stages and characteristics of socio-emotional development throughout the life cycle from the attachment perspective;

▪ know the factors and the mechanisms influencing the socio-emotional development within the primary affective relationships and, to a wider extent, the entire family system, with a specific focus on parents’ attachment states of mind, siblings relationships, and children’s individual characteristics;

▪ know the main evidence-based interventions to support child development and positive parenting;

▪ discuss the most recent evidence on the socio-emotional adjustment of children raised in same-sex parent families.